Writing Tips: Use your Spellchecker to edit Unusual Words (1)


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Write with familiar, simple words to let your reader concentrate on your message.

“He has never been known to use a word that might send a reader to the dictionary.”

William Faulkner on Ernest Hemingway

As a writer you have to discipline yourself to use words your reader is familiar with by avoiding unusual words. The wider the audience, the more important it is to follow this advice

Our StyleWriter editing software (or your spellchecker) can help you edit unusual words in your writing so your reader understands your message.

The English language has over a million words. But most people’s working vocabulary is fewer than 20,000 words. A typically spellchecker has over 200,000 words. So your spellchecker or StyleWriter is a filter on your word choice. If your spellchecker highlights a word, even though you have used the correct spelling, question your choice of the word.

For example, your spellchecker will highlight correctly spelled, but unusual words such as: approximative, burlesquely, complected, discriminant, equivocality, fortuneteller, gaged, heatable, impactive, juridically, lawing, meantimes, negotiant, outgo, parasitologically, quarrelsomely, relier, staycation, thrombophlebitis, unaccommodated, veep, weapod ned, xtra, yolked, zazzy.

StyleWriter lets you review your word choice for your whole document in its Editor’s List..

Once you have identified unusual words in your writing, question their use and try to edit them from your writing.

To see how and why to edit each of these words, go to my second article on this subject: Writing Tip: Use StyleWriter to edit Unusual Words (2)

Download StyleWriter for your free trial at: www.editorsoftware.com

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Download our 14-day free StyleWriter trial. Use the three editions, Starter, Standard and Professional. Once you’ve chosen the edition you want, buy a license on this website.

StyleWriter – don’t just proofread your document – edit it like a professional.